Dacia Duster posle 100.000 km - video

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They had a number of replacements during the run, in particular the expensive one was transmission, but this was all covered by warranty. After disassembling the car, they were not particularly happy over the state of the safety belt - it began to fray, but not too bad, not dangerous. Anti-rust measures seem incomplete but OK. Rust one side of the engine is weird and unusual, but not a reason for concern, it's simply too bulky to rust all the way through.

In general they consider reliability to be average - the car has gained a bit of bad reputation over transmission problems; however, they note that most cars outside its price league aren't necessary better or less likely to require expensive repairs. They note though, that even for a car with "nothing" on it, it still has a lot of potential to break. Besides the transmission (@33tkm, 2.7k€), fuel gauge (1.1k€) and driver seat frame (420€) made for expensive repairs (warranty covered).
Dacia Rules !!!


Ima u Satu test na tng Dustera sa 110000 km, samo tabla menjana ostalo samo redovni servisi....bez problema sa menjačem, motorom..... :lux:


za drzarkod:
u kom satu?
izgleda da sam nesto propustio.....


Moram da pogledam imam broj u stanu pa ako oces da ti dam da procitas.... :friends:


Trebali su da stave 60 000 e.
I kupe 1 ML-a ili Bembaru neku X- ?

A ovamo sa druge strane sa 60 000e.
Kupe i voze 1 Daciju  Duster-a pa kad prodje 3-4-5 godina ,prodaju i stave sad na onh 45 000(koji su bili oroceni na 3 godine pa je sada to nekih 57 000e ) i  ovih 7-8 hiljada za kolko bi prodali  ovu i tako redom .Kupe i prodaju  jedno 5-6 -8Dacia.

I onda za 20 -25 godina  da uporede tu zadnju Daciu Duster-a  sa onim gore ML-om ili  Bembarom X-?.

To bi bio neki realan test za moje pojmove.

I onda da objave podatke i koliko  je kostalo odrzavanje i delovi i sve zivo .
Pa da uporedimo podatke i kazemo e ovo  ili ovo se isplati i ovako je bolje...



setih se sad, u rubrici polovnjak....
hvala u svakom slucaju....
ja imam onaj sanderov test, ako nekome treba, ali mislim da je neko stavljao na sajt....
ja bih da imam novaca odmah kupio novog dustera ili logana mcv, a zenici nesto manje i slatko...
bas mi se svidjaju automobili....
